Parent Events
At Harris Academy St Johns Wood, we hold extra events for parents/ guardians so that you have an opportunity to come in and meet key people within the school, ask questions, understand your child’s learning journey, be involved with the school community, and learn in workshops supporting and ensuring your children are safe.
These events mainly take place as informal coffee mornings or afternoons and as parent educational events. We have tried to vary the times and days as much as possible. Most events will last approximately an hour.
Although most of the meetings have a focus, it is also an opportunity to meet other parents who are part of our school community, to share experiences and give ideas to the school. Last years’ events were very successful and the feedback from parents was very useful in helping the school move forward.
This year we have chosen to categorise our events into four areas:
➢ Our Academy & Learning Journey
➢ Safeguarding, Child Protection, Behaviour and Safety
➢ Mental Health and Wellbeing Thursdays
➢ Healthy Lifestyles Evenings
These also include training events that are being delivered by Westminster Professionals which will give you information and tips on how to keep your children safe.
All dates and links have been on the website since the start of term, a reminder of all our events is below.
Due to limiting numbers and ensuring we are safe; we are asking you to register if you are attending these events. This will ensure we book appropriately spaced rooms. Please make sure that you come to reception and sign in.
Ms Stevens
Associate Vice Principal